Fix & Flip StartUp Class | Science of Fix and Flip

get free access to the fix and flip intro class

to learn how to fix and flip real estate successfully

If you’re thinking about Fixing and Flipping Real Estate but not sure where to start, then this is the class for you!

My name is Suzanne Johns and I’ve been a realtor since 1978. I have 20 years of experience as an award winning custom home builder. From my years of experience, I have learned the ins and outs of Fixing and Flipping Real Estate.

Science of Fix and Flip is a blueprint I developed from decades of experience fixing and flipping houses. This program teaches you how to Fix and Flip Real Estate successfully. 

The best part about my program is that you don’t need ANY prior experience in Real Estate, in Fixing and Flipping Houses, or in Construction. You also do not need to be a Realtor to be a successful Fix and Flip investor. If you are worried about having the funds, I teach you how to fund your flip without using your own money.

This program is so successful that during the recession of 2008, I taught this fix and flip program that created 21 millionaires. Most of them are still flipping houses today on a much grander scale.

This class is Step One to help you decide if you’re ready to make REAL MONEY fixing and flipping real estate!

In this FREE Fix & Flip Class, you will…

✔ LEARN AN OUTLINE OF THE SYSTEM you will use from start to finish.

✔ LEARN HOW TO FIND PROFITABLE PROPERTIES right in your own backyard.

✔ LEARN HOW TO FUND YOUR DEALS without using your own money or credit.

✔ Receive the HOME FLIPPING EVALUATOR which helps you calculate the necessary repairs

Receive a PROFIT VALUATION WORKSHEET so you’ll know whether this is a house you want to invest in or walk away from

If you’ve ever thought about Fixing and Flipping Real Estate but didn’t know how to start, I highly recommend the class.

This FREE 2-hour class goes in-depth providing everything you need to know in order to jump into the deep end of being a successful Fix and Flip Investor!

When I started out, I made a buttload of mistakes. All the mistakes you could think of. Due to the mistakes, my husband and I lost a lot of money. But the lessons I learned from these mistakes taught me what NOT to do.

So, I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I made and lose all the time and money I lost. I want you to skip the line, and go straight to the results.

If you would like to register for the class…


A Few of My Successful Investors

Took Suzanne’s class, got in her Mastermind Coaching, started making $BANK$ in 4 months! I’m a happy girl!
Michelle Austin

Former Front Desk Attendant at a Hair Salon

House Flipping has always intrigued me. But I had no idea how the process worked. A friend introduced me to Suzanne in 2009. I told her I wanted to see if I could make some money in this crazy market. Suzanne worked thru my first flip with me. I was shocked at my success! So, after 13 years and flipping hundreds of homes, I now flip land! Suzanne is the BEST – she seriously changed my life!
Dave Griffin

Former CEO, GoldStar Appliances

In 2010, after the crash in 2008, my company downsized 450 employees (including me) … Ugh! With only 6 months savings, I had no idea how I was going to support my family after that. By chance, I met Suzanne at a conference we were both attending in Las Vegas while I was handing out resumes to find a new gig. She actually MADE me come to her Class about Flipping Houses! I am SO GLAD I DID! When 6 months passed, I had $72,000 in the bank from flipping houses!! I have been addicted since then. Now, my wife and I flip 7-8 houses/year (and take some pretty great vacations!).

Stefan and Melinda Misanko

Super Grateful Investors

My Approach

All that is required is a PMA – Positive Mental Attitude. With my program, ANYONE can be successful as a Flipper. Of course, there will be challenges, like all things in life, but the Reward far exceeds the Challenge or the Risks.

My Process

I pride myself on being able to communicate this subject content in layman’s terms. Already being in real estate or in construction is NOT a requirement. My system uses a scientific formula type style.

Unique Framework

Here’s the Great News… You get to go out every day and chase your dreams while making an incredible income! If you follow this process for a full year, this real estate fix & flip blueprint will change your life! 

Get FREE Access To The Fix and Flip Intro Class Now

Suzanne Johns

About Suzanne Johns

Professional Real Estate Coach

  • A realtor since 1978, I’ve seen the ups and downs of the real estate market
  • We have 20 years of experience as award-winning custom home builders
  • In 2008, my husband and I flipped our first house and made $34k in 92 days. In our 2nd flip, we profited $38k in 33 days.  That’s when I knew we were on to something! By our third flip, we were netting over $75k per flip!
  • After I perfected our “blueprint,” we really started to rock and roll.
  • I knew if we could do it, I could teach my investor clients to do it too. SO I DID.
  • At first, we made a boatload of mistakes, and cost us a lot of money…but it helped me learn what NOT to do!!
  • I don’t want you to do all the wrong things I did…I want you to be successful as soon as possible.